Sunday, May 13, 2007

Why cake for birthday?

Have you every wonder why we buy birthday cake? For a person who doesn't especially like cake, chocolate, and all super sweet stuff, I often wonder.

I believe it is like this-
Often people give gift to the birthday person, and in order for the birthday person to give something back, he gets a cake.
And as cake are usually round, it symbolize a giving away what is part of him, by cutting/sharing what he had, he wants to bless and give to the friends and relative who bought gifts and also comes celebrate his birthday with him.

We also usually equally divide the cake up, symbolizing his love is equal to all his friends and relative, which of course now we know that the bigger piece is meant for the person he like the most.

But why is it that nowadays birthday are bought by the friends and relative rather than the birthday boy. That should be something to think about... maybe he just doesn't want to share anything, only want to receive gift for himself.

Btw, I don't enjoy cake too. There are plenty of other food that can carry the same tradition of sharing.