Saturday, November 13, 2004

Very smooth indeed....

Friday, November 12, 2004

Today I was coming back home and saw someone lying on the street. Is he drunk or what? Dead? Cannot be... right...?

So I remember the verse... Heb 13:2 (amplified version)
Do not forget or neglect or refuse to extend hospitality to strangers [in the brotherhood--being friendly, cordial, and gracious, sharing the comforts of your home and doing your part generously], for through it some have entertained angels without knowing it.

As I am going near him, he move. So I decided to pass him by and leave him alone. I stole a few glance to see how he is quite a distant away, and he begin to shouting vulgarities.

So.... could he have been an angel, if he shout vulgarities? Or will an angel that are acting be so like 'real' people that he chose speak vulgarities? Can a creature that is so close to the holy presence of God most of the time, even speak vulgarities?

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

It's about slightly more than one month to my birthday. Though I don't enjoy a casual birthday celebration, singing birthday song, eating cakes, blowing off flame of some candles etc... which I rather not have.

But I do like to receive presents that people have put some thoughts and effort to get.

I would say I am really hard to please:-

First, if I don't like it, for eg... clothing; I will never wear it, no matter how much I appreciate the effort in getting it for me.

Second, I am emotionless. It makes giving me present totally a bad experience for anyone.
Even though I love the present given, but my face is just like, "Oh.... this is... hmm.... quite .... interesting......... thanks........hmmm.... so where are we going for dinner?"
I am really trying to change this "cool" personality and try to be "hot".

Sidetrack: I have a habit of buying something that I have been wanting for a very long time. Then leaving the purchase in my room untouch until a few days later. Just won't get excited....

My wife keep asking me what I want. Gee... I really not very sure....

Let me put it down here what I have in my mind now, my present need to be totally specific.
  • Sony Earphone (like the one I currently using, but now is spoil. With a shape that fit nicely into the ear, that boost the bass). Should be around $40+. Don't need anything more expensive than this, as I don't use it all the time.
  • A new cell phone, but not very sure what I want, the Sony Erricson K700i from Starhub looks like a good deal. Only S$298(any 2 yr plan), while it cost more than S$600(any 2 yr plan too) from M1. I just don't understand why the huge different in price?
  • I would like to see old friends from my previous church fellowship coming with me to church and being totally committed to God. It will be awesome to serve God together again. Come back to God....
Will have more as time goes....