Tuesday, July 30, 2013

What does disinterested internationalist assistance means?

Does it mean North Korea feels that although China assisted in the war, but actually not interested to?

Friday, May 10, 2013

Gangnam style
 (D#m key)

Verse : ||D#m///|////|B///|////|F#///|////|A#///|////||

Pre-chorus: ||B///|C#///|D#///|D#///|| ||B///|C#///|A#///|A#///||…

Chorus: ||D#m///|D#m///|B///|C#///||

 (Em key)

Verse : ||Em///|////|C///|////|G///|////|B///|////||

 Pre-chorus: ||C///|D///|E///|E///|| ||C///|D///|B///|B///||…

 Chorus: ||Em///|Em///|C///|D///||

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

MRT Phenomenon

1. "Touchless"
People who make sure they don't actually make contact with the EZ link card reader. They are usually very fast in removing the card as far from the reader as possible. It seems they fear being charge twice.

2. "Stretcher"
Fear of being caught by the gate, they stretches their hands touching the reader while their body proceed through the gate. Must have receive training from No. 1 in Fantastic 4.

3. "Navigator"
They put their EZ link in their bag, but they have forgotten which part. So, just keep repositioning the bag on top of the reader.

Monday, February 07, 2011

Over designed

The problem with over designed. It confuse customers.
Is it 5% discount or 50% discount? Don't you think you can lose potential customers if the promotion is not clear?

Friday, January 21, 2011

トイレの神様/植村花菜(廁所的神明)(Toilet goddess)


Time signature - 9/8 (If you don't know what that means, just play 3/4 time)

|| G | C2 | G | C2 ||

Verse 1:
|| G | C2 | G | G | Em7 | A7 | D7 | D7sus |
| G | C2 | G /F# | Em7 | A7 | D7 | G | G ||

Verse 2:
|| G | C2 | G | G | Em7 | A7 | D7 | D7sus |
| G | C2 | G /F# | Em7 | A7 | D7 | G |/G /A /B ||

|| C | D7 | Bm7 |Em7 | Am7 | D7 | G |/G /A /B |
| C | D7 | Bm7 |E7 | Am7 | D7 ||

Turn Around:
|| G | C2 | G | C2 ||

Interlude - Same as verse

|| C | G | C | G | Am7 | D7 | Em | Em |
| C | D7 | G /F# | Em | Am7 |A7 | D7 | D7 |
| C | D7 | Em7 | Em7 | C | D7 | Em7 | Em7 |
| C | D7 | G | Em | A7 | A7 | D7 | D7sus | D7 |/G /A /B ||

Chorus to repeat chorus:
|| C | D7 | Bm7 |Em7 | Am7 | D7 | G |/G /A /B |
| C | D7 | Bm7 |E7 | Am7 | A7 | D7 |/G /A /B ||

|| C2 | G/B | C2 | G/B | C2 | G/B | G/A | G ||

Lyrics in chinese -

小學3年級的時候 不知為什麼 開始跟奶奶一起生活
明明父母就住在附近 卻跟奶奶一起生活
每天幫忙奶奶 還跟她一起下五子棋
但是十分討厭掃廁所的我 奶奶對我說
"每間廁所都有著一位美麗的女神 如果將廁所打掃乾淨 就能成為像女神一樣的美人哦"
從那天開始 想成為美人的我 就每天將廁所打掃的乾乾淨淨

出門買東西時 2人都吃了鴨肉蕎麥麵
"每間廁所都有著一位美麗的女神 如果將廁所打掃乾淨 就能成為像女神一樣的美人哦"

跟家人也相處的不愉快 連一起生活的空間也沒了
五子棋與鴨肉麵 就這樣從我和奶奶間消失了

我丟下總是支持我的奶奶 一個人離開了家

到東京過了2年 奶奶住院了
她變得好瘦好瘦 於是我去醫院見了她
但沒說幾句 奶奶就說:「可以回去了」 於是被叫離了病房

隔天早上 奶奶靜靜地像睡著般走了

"每間廁所都有著一位美麗的女神 奶奶告訴過我的話 現在的我還能成為美人嗎
"每間廁所都有著一位美麗的女神 如果將廁所打掃乾淨 就能成為像女神一樣的美人哦"

夢想成為溫良新娘的我 如今還是一個人將廁所打掃的乾乾淨淨
奶奶 奶奶 謝謝你
奶奶 奶奶 真的謝謝你

Monday, July 12, 2010

Saw this in Mr Miyagi blog

It's amazing, same company, same figure, same fact, but different perspective.

Click here

Friday, June 11, 2010

What kind of national leaders do I want?

It seem like the most obviously choice for the MRT station to be the interchange, for the most number of line should be Raffles Place. Since that is the financial hub and the place where the most number of people work, however in reality it is Dhoby Ghaut MRT station.

I was discussing this subject with my wife, and the conclusion I had, is because it may be better to have it there so as to diversify the concentration of people in the City Central itself.

She sort of agree with me, but says that the MRT company did not do it in the past with the first east-west and north-south line. Most stations seem to be right in the middle of the population. She conclude that since they only do it now, now must be the best time to spread them.

To me, a good government should not have its priority to seek the present comfort of the people, but its priority should be the future development to prosper its people. I do not mean that the government ignore the needs and comfort of its people in its present stage, but I mean that the government should place its first priority in it.

Thus it may be not comfortable for the people to start with MRT station being not in the middle of the most crowded places, but it may be better for future development to use the MRT station location in a bid to spread the people a bit. Thus I think it is possible that our government (who I believe approve the location of the MRT station after much analyzing) makes a mistake in the past; and now is smart to learn from its mistake and use Dhoby Ghaut as the bigger interchange station.

However my wife disagree that the government could ever make a mistake. Which got me angry, but thinking....

Do I want a governing body(leader) that does not ever feel that they have made any mistake? The truth is everyone, every organization will make mistake. Nobody is perfect. (Of course it does not mean that our government say they have never make a mistake, it can just mean I have never heard it.)