Monday, June 28, 2004

3rd day of Taiwan trip

The night before return pretty late, and on a fri night, Taipei city seem to be very much alive at 11pm+. Click here to watch a video clip taken at around 11.30pm, most shop at still open at that time. Wouldn't it be nice if singapore is also the city that sleep really late?

Today just feel lazy. After breakfast, went back to room to sleep again till noon. Haha....

Went to another place we thought is a memorial hall again. Ended up to be a theatre. Well, very near to Xi Men Ding, went there for lunch of beef noodle with tea for NT110. Like most chinese, Taiwanese really like tea, from the variety of packet tea you can find in the convinient to eating place.

Taipei is a city full of advertisement on building, not much space is spare. Building are for advertisment.

Look at the right photo, the part about "No music, christmas...." Very interesting huh.

So as we are in Xi Men Ding, we saw this group of old folks wearing "Believe unto Jesus for Eternal life". Don't really know what they are doing, maybe praying, but really impress with the work the old people did in Taiwan, what are the youth doing?

Later on, I spend around 2 hours watching a gig in Xi Men Ding, these people carry all their equipement to the open space, drum set, guitar amps, speakers, mixer, everything and play on the street to make their music heard, and they are really good. Notice how close the crowds are to the performer. Click the photo for a short video clip.

Zhao Zhi Bi (頞�銋����)

Thanks to Keropi, found her name and website.
But she did mention about her Yahoo! club
Can listen to her song in the album from this website.
She got a great voice, only 1 guitar, but powerful presence.

They seem to be training under the next group o2c, and only started public performance recently. Not bad, except the vocal, seriously need a good vocalist to enhance the band.

o2c(lost control 憭望��)

Click here for another video clip.
They are good. Only 3 piece band with a vocalist, they use a powerbook as backing trax for every song they did.(see right bottom corner of clip) I think they just cannot find one more good player to join them.

Good experience with the taiwan street performance, wonder if Orchard rd in Singapore will be permitted to do this?

Night program, Shi Ling Night market which all mention to be a must go. Totally super crowded, lots of bragain goods. Nice experience.

We were very impress with the speed of the illegal street seller, one moment you are looking at the clothing, suddenly the whole rack is gone. With one lady shouting for you to return the clothing in your hand, else go with her for payment. Within 20min, they are back again, where they go, where they come from, nobody knows.