Thursday, June 24, 2004

ok... talk about 2nd day of Taiwan trip


The night before sleep very late, cause too attracted by the hundred TV channel in the hotel. haha... Seem like half of them is local Taiwanese channel, while the rest is common AXN, HBO, CNN, Cinemax, Chinese movies channel. Also got both christian and buddist channel.

BTW, we got cheated, it say it's a 3 star hotel, but looks more like a 1 star. But anyway, it's cheap and near most of the attraction and of course 100 channel TV program.

Early morning went to this 2/28 peace park, around 80 yrs ago on 28 of feb(that's why call 228) there was a bad governor over Taiwan that leads to killing of around 30,000 people on strike to protest against him. That's why this memorial park was erected.

Later we went to Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall(Zhong Zheng Ji Nian Tang). Chiang Kai-Shek was the leader of Kuo Ming Dan who retreat to Taiwan when there was a civil war between the dimocratic and the communist. Thus forming Taiwan as a nation now(still a question of debate whether Taiwan is a nation).

Look at the size of the hall and statue with the soldier, the guard are not suppose to move an inch for 1 hr, there will be a guard changing ceremony.

Nice ceiling huh...

Click here for a short clip of the changing guards ceremomy.

We visited another memorial hall, this time Sun Yat-Sen which both China and Taiwan address as the Father of their Nation, as he is the one who brought down the old Emperor system.

Searching for night market to go to beside the famous Shi Ling night market, so decided to go to the snake alley night market(Hua Xi street), I thought it will be quite interesting, turns out only 2 short street with lots of people selling snake for soap. Visited the (must visit by Lonely planet) Long Shan Temple, argh... just another temple, lonely planet really for Ang Mo huh.

So left after 30min of walking around, spotted some fortune telling stores near the chinese temple, so is fortune telling always related to the temple? Hmm...

Decide to go to Shin Kong Mitsukoshi which is the major shopping centre in Taipei, it also serve as my landmark point of reference, cause it's very tall and near Taipei train station. Got I think 12 storey of shopping experience. Well... the most interesting part was actually the lift ride.

Shin Kong Mitsukoshi got this lift lady serving inside each lift(maybe it's a Taipei practise, but seem to be more of a japan practise, anyway...), that will welcome you, ask which floor you wanna go, announce to other people that they are going down and hold the door for whoever wanna come in while at the same time explaining and kindly asking the people inside the lift to wait a short time, at the end she will politely bid you farewell on the first floor and welcome you to come back again. Wow!!! I like it, feel like a king.

Before going to Shin Kong Mitsukoshi, we pass by this ice shop, basically just selling icy desert. So with the 1st night experience of the S$2 mango ice that is so much and tasted fantastic, we must go in and try something else. We order something Xue Hua Ping(snow flower ice), absolutely wonderfully delicious. We should have this kind of ice shop in Singapore.