Wui-Ping Blog
Friday, January 23, 2009
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Where oh where has your energy gone?
Cause 1: Disrupted sleep
It may seem like the obvious answer, but many people don't even realise when they're not sleeping properly. Stress and anxiety can stop people falling into a proper, productive sleep, instead keeping them in a state of limbo halfway between awake and asleep. Hormonal imbalances can also cause people, especially women, to have hot flushes and night sweats which will result in them tossing and turning all night. So how do you know if lack of sleep is your problem? Keep a sleep diary for a week and write down how many hours you're getting and what time of day it is when you feel tired. If your sleep patterns are sporadic and you feel tired at regular intervals throughout the day then your problem is probably sleep related.
Quick fixes:
Everyone needs at least six to eight hours sleep a night. It is normal for people to fall in and out of deep sleep through the dark hours, but if you are laying awake for ages then you may have a form of insomnia so you should see a Doctor. Refraining from eating at least two hours before bedtime, making sure your bedroom is dark, and letting fresh air into the room will also help you drift off earlier. Ensuring your mind isn't restless by not watching TV before you go to bed is key, and meditation, reading an easy book, listening to soft music, or enjoying a massage will also do the trick.
Cause 2: Superman syndrome
If you constantly feel like you don't have a moment to chill out then you're not alone. Life coach Lisa Phillips says we really have to slow down and enjoy life more. Trying to do everything will not only sap your energy, but it'll put you on the fast track to unhappiness.
"These days we think we're not achieving anything if we're not running a business while looking after three kids, working at a charity and taking a night course," explains Phillips. "We try to be super heroes and have it all when we really need to slow down, de-stress and look after ourselves."
Quick fixes:
If your Superman syndrome is sucking your energy faster than an industrial strength vacuum cleaner then give your body a chance to re-boot and have 20 minutes a day to yourself. It's not being selfish to want to be alone or do something you enjoy — in fact, it's absolutely necessary. Multi vitamins, exercise, drinking lots of water, and cat naps can also help restore your energy. If you work full time, remember to breathe deeply often, stretch and move around to get your body's juices flowing again and a techno-detox one day a week can also help. This is where you ban mobiles and laptops, so you're completely contact free.
Cause 3: Poor diet and fitness
It doesn't take a genius to work out that poor nutrition will cause a depletion of energy, but not everyone knows which foods are good for you and which should be well avoided. Fad diets will also not do your energy levels any favours because they starve your body of the nutrients it needs. Exercise is also key to pumping up your energy levels — so if you're not doing any, it could be a good time to start.
Quick Fixes:
No truer words were spoken than, "you are what you eat". If you devour rubbish then that's how you'll feel so the key is to enjoy regular, healthy meals. Energy sappers include caffeine, soft drinks, chips, sugary foods, takeaway meals and alcohol, because they all spike your sugar levels leaving you with a dramatic come down. Dairy foods also make some people feel lethargic as will too many carbohydrates in the middle of the day. Instead opt for protein-packed meals of turkey, tuna, beans, chickpeas, fish, or vegetables as they'll make you more alert and aware. Other energy foods include bananas, apples, avocado, nuts, and eggs. Make sure to always have breakfast, and don't overeat because your stomach will struggle to digest all the food which will cause tiredness.
Cause 4: Dark moods
According to recent figures one in four women and one in six men will suffer from some form of depression in their lives and the bad news is that when we're feeling low our energy levels tend to follow. If you've noticed that you don't have as much energy as you used to, if normal activities seem difficult, and if you don't want to socialise, then you could be at risk. Being honest with yourself, taking responsibility for your own happiness and getting help is the key to living the life you want. In the meantime there are a few things you can do to stick a rocket under your energy reserves.
Quick fixes:
Serotonin is the chemical in the brain which makes us feel happy, alive and energetic. It responds to sunlight, exercise and fresh air, so get outdoors and get active. Just a 15-minute walk a day is proven to help relieve depression. It's also important to be around friends, family, pets, and children and to take up a hobby as all will lighten your mood. You can also try listening to music that uplifts you and watching live events such as plays, sporting games and concerts. Wearing bright, happy colours has been proven to help lift people out of black moods, as has meditation, deep breathing, yoga, and having plans to look forward too. Don't be afraid to spend money on yourself and get a facial, or organise a holiday because once your mood is back where it should be, your energy levels should follow.
Source: http://health.ninemsn.com.au/
Cause 1: Disrupted sleep
It may seem like the obvious answer, but many people don't even realise when they're not sleeping properly. Stress and anxiety can stop people falling into a proper, productive sleep, instead keeping them in a state of limbo halfway between awake and asleep. Hormonal imbalances can also cause people, especially women, to have hot flushes and night sweats which will result in them tossing and turning all night. So how do you know if lack of sleep is your problem? Keep a sleep diary for a week and write down how many hours you're getting and what time of day it is when you feel tired. If your sleep patterns are sporadic and you feel tired at regular intervals throughout the day then your problem is probably sleep related.
Quick fixes:
Everyone needs at least six to eight hours sleep a night. It is normal for people to fall in and out of deep sleep through the dark hours, but if you are laying awake for ages then you may have a form of insomnia so you should see a Doctor. Refraining from eating at least two hours before bedtime, making sure your bedroom is dark, and letting fresh air into the room will also help you drift off earlier. Ensuring your mind isn't restless by not watching TV before you go to bed is key, and meditation, reading an easy book, listening to soft music, or enjoying a massage will also do the trick.
Cause 2: Superman syndrome
If you constantly feel like you don't have a moment to chill out then you're not alone. Life coach Lisa Phillips says we really have to slow down and enjoy life more. Trying to do everything will not only sap your energy, but it'll put you on the fast track to unhappiness.
"These days we think we're not achieving anything if we're not running a business while looking after three kids, working at a charity and taking a night course," explains Phillips. "We try to be super heroes and have it all when we really need to slow down, de-stress and look after ourselves."
Quick fixes:
If your Superman syndrome is sucking your energy faster than an industrial strength vacuum cleaner then give your body a chance to re-boot and have 20 minutes a day to yourself. It's not being selfish to want to be alone or do something you enjoy — in fact, it's absolutely necessary. Multi vitamins, exercise, drinking lots of water, and cat naps can also help restore your energy. If you work full time, remember to breathe deeply often, stretch and move around to get your body's juices flowing again and a techno-detox one day a week can also help. This is where you ban mobiles and laptops, so you're completely contact free.
Cause 3: Poor diet and fitness
It doesn't take a genius to work out that poor nutrition will cause a depletion of energy, but not everyone knows which foods are good for you and which should be well avoided. Fad diets will also not do your energy levels any favours because they starve your body of the nutrients it needs. Exercise is also key to pumping up your energy levels — so if you're not doing any, it could be a good time to start.
Quick Fixes:
No truer words were spoken than, "you are what you eat". If you devour rubbish then that's how you'll feel so the key is to enjoy regular, healthy meals. Energy sappers include caffeine, soft drinks, chips, sugary foods, takeaway meals and alcohol, because they all spike your sugar levels leaving you with a dramatic come down. Dairy foods also make some people feel lethargic as will too many carbohydrates in the middle of the day. Instead opt for protein-packed meals of turkey, tuna, beans, chickpeas, fish, or vegetables as they'll make you more alert and aware. Other energy foods include bananas, apples, avocado, nuts, and eggs. Make sure to always have breakfast, and don't overeat because your stomach will struggle to digest all the food which will cause tiredness.
Cause 4: Dark moods
According to recent figures one in four women and one in six men will suffer from some form of depression in their lives and the bad news is that when we're feeling low our energy levels tend to follow. If you've noticed that you don't have as much energy as you used to, if normal activities seem difficult, and if you don't want to socialise, then you could be at risk. Being honest with yourself, taking responsibility for your own happiness and getting help is the key to living the life you want. In the meantime there are a few things you can do to stick a rocket under your energy reserves.
Quick fixes:
Serotonin is the chemical in the brain which makes us feel happy, alive and energetic. It responds to sunlight, exercise and fresh air, so get outdoors and get active. Just a 15-minute walk a day is proven to help relieve depression. It's also important to be around friends, family, pets, and children and to take up a hobby as all will lighten your mood. You can also try listening to music that uplifts you and watching live events such as plays, sporting games and concerts. Wearing bright, happy colours has been proven to help lift people out of black moods, as has meditation, deep breathing, yoga, and having plans to look forward too. Don't be afraid to spend money on yourself and get a facial, or organise a holiday because once your mood is back where it should be, your energy levels should follow.
Source: http://health.ninemsn.com.au/
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Thursday, January 08, 2009
If you know you have only 30 days to live, what will you do now?

I will most likely start sending out invitation cards to my funeral.

I will most likely start sending out invitation cards to my funeral.
New Year 2009 is Great!
I can leave all my failures behind in the past year. 2009 is a fresh new start!
I can leave all my failures behind in the past year. 2009 is a fresh new start!
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Song name are sometimes confusing
a: The first song, Today. (pause) The second song...
b: Wait, I didn't hear you mentioned, so the first song today is...
a: Today
b: Yes?
a: The first song today is "Today".
b: Oh... I see.
a: And the second song is first.
b: So we will only do 1 song?
a: I already said the second song is First.
b: Yah, the second song is Today too, so we will sing Today, end and sing Today again?
a: The song name is "First".
b: Oh... Say so lah.
a: The first song, Today. (pause) The second song...
b: Wait, I didn't hear you mentioned, so the first song today is...
a: Today
b: Yes?
a: The first song today is "Today".
b: Oh... I see.
a: And the second song is first.
b: So we will only do 1 song?
a: I already said the second song is First.
b: Yah, the second song is Today too, so we will sing Today, end and sing Today again?
a: The song name is "First".
b: Oh... Say so lah.