Friday, December 22, 2006

Warning against bad private school

Actually this happen almost 2 years back, but I didn't say anything until now. Reason being I don't want to gossip or bad mouth. Yet, right now, I feel a need to warn against anyone going there, so that they will not have to endure and suffer what I have been through.

History: I have an engineering diploma, but wanted to get a marketing degree.

I went to this famous private school near City Hall MRT station, didn't know anything about the school. But was attracted because the University degree they offered was from Australia best group of 8 university. Well... A lot of things was hidden through out my studies there, it is alright if only a few is not mention, but the number of hidden stuff are just incredibly much. This is truly a Terribly Manage Centre.

1. Because I have no prior knowledge on marketing or business, I am not exempted for any subject. So the course consultant told me that I can still go for the degree and it will last for 3 years. Later then I found out that, I could also first go for an Advance Diploma in marketing in the same centre that will last around 18 months, and will exempt me quite a few subjects that will take also 18 months to cover.
Well, the first advantage is that it's much cheaper at only S$5000+ instead of $15,000+ if I were to spend 1.5 yrs doing the degree course. Second, I will secure a Advance Diploma already. Third, no extra time is wasted anyway.

2. I went back again, the course consultant agree that it is another option I could take. Told me that if I squeeze and go for as much lesson as possible, the part time Advance Dip could take only 12 months.

It's not true, after I went in, they say it's impossible to do that even if I wanted.

3. The school fees I paid doesn't cover the exam fee, which adds up to close to another S$1000.

4. During the Advance Dip course, more than half of the lecturer does not seem to be qualify to teach. I am sure they are all highly certified, but they really cannot teach, it is tough to understand. Although I have nothing against the Indian, but I don't understand why they must hired so many lecturer from India, cost?

The moral was low in class, usually only 3/4 of the students turn up for lessons, then more than half of them will leave the class after the mid lesson break.

5. Finished my Advance Dip in December, wanted to register for Uni. But was told that registration only starts in April for the June course, even though there was a course starting in March. They say it is the common practice for Advance Dip students to wait for 6 months.

Wrong again. During my In-Camp-Training in January, my classmate called and ask me if I have signed up for the March course already and it is already the last day for registration. I clearly remember the name of the person who told me I couldn't register for the March course, but so what? I have to get my wife to rush down to register for me, because I am outfield having my army exercise.

6. The exam was a scam, there are so much tips given it's difficult not to score. Which account why I got so many distinction too.

7. I was told by the course consultant that if I do very well in my studies in my Advance Dip, I could be exempted for the max of 12 subjects in the university education. Therefore I could well get a degree in less than 3 years instead of the 3 years they mention earlier.

Not true again. I mention above that I have attained almost all distinction. But yet was told that the 8 exempted subjects I got is the same as my classmate who merely gotten around 50% distinction. Was also told that through out the whole history of the private school, nobody had ever gotten above 8 subjects exemption no matter how well they do in their Advance Dip.

Due to this, I have to take more subjects, and the course fee will be estimated to go up to around S$30,000 (not counting the Advance Dip). I also have to spend another 2 years instead of 1.5 years.

8. They did mention that the school fees were to be paid in Australia currency, so depending on the exchange rate, I might need to pay more or lesser. But never did they mention they cannot take credit card nor cheque nor Nets. I have to go down to the bank to queue up to purchase a cashier order in Australia dollar and pay for another S$20 service charge.

9. After the first briefing by the University people from Australia, my classmate ask me if I am doing a double major.
What double major? Again, another information that was not communicated and not written anywhere when I register for the subjects I wanted to do. I went to apply and change for a double major after that.

After all these, I decided to change to go to another school for my university education. Although, because I made this decision late, so I have to suffer the panelty of forfeiting the first school fee I have paid of more than S$5000. But I am still gald I did it, I won't know how much I have to go through if I continue in the Terribly Manage Centre.

Worth to mention about what happen to my classmate too in this Terribly Manage Centre:
We were all given a slip of paper to state what subjects we are registering for exam and the amount to pay. When we pay, the cashier will take that slip and then give us a generic receipt which only state the amount we paid.
So one week before the exam, my classmate who had paid the exam fee already was asked why she didn't register and pay for this subject exam by the lecturer. So she cannot take the exam for that subject. The school said that the amount she paid for is only for 3 subjects instead of 4. Obviously she wanted to take the exam, or else study for what? My classmate states that she already paid and registered.

Well... she don't have the slip of paper, it was taken by the school cashier, and because the school only issue a generic receipt. What can be proven?
