Wednesday, December 13, 2006

If you use . Let me recommend you a better site for getting maps in Singapore,

What have, that doesn't have -

  1. Bus number at the bus stop. (shown when you place your mouse over it)
  2. Instead of clicking the down arrow, just drag to see what is below.
  3. Got function to measure the distant between 2 point.
  4. Can use on your cell phone with WAP or i-mode.
  5. Show where are the wireless@SG zone. only have 1 function which I like -

  1. Nearby Vicinity & Information (to see the shopping and eating places nearby, but I suspect it could be an paid advertisement by the various shops)

Just in case you don't know what is offered by both website, some useful things you can do are -

  1. You can copy and paste the map to your word doc.
  2. You can use it to teach you how to get from one place to another by driving which road.
  3. You can see the bus route of any buses.