What www.can.com.sg have, that www.streetdirectory.com doesn't have -
- Bus number at the bus stop. (shown when you place your mouse over it)
- Instead of clicking the down arrow, just drag to see what is below.
- Got function to measure the distant between 2 point.
- Can use on your cell phone with WAP or i-mode.
- Show where are the wireless@SG zone.
Streetdirectory.com only have 1 function which I like -
- Nearby Vicinity & Information (to see the shopping and eating places nearby, but I suspect it could be an paid advertisement by the various shops)
Just in case you don't know what is offered by both website, some useful things you can do are -
- You can copy and paste the map to your word doc.
- You can use it to teach you how to get from one place to another by driving which road.
- You can see the bus route of any buses.