Monday, April 18, 2005

Go to Yahoo Singapore( and search "guitar forum", "christian forum", "christian guitar", "guitar recommendation" -> It all feature in the first spot.

Other search of phrases reflected in various position of -
1- "buying acoustic guitar", "fina guitar" (guess we are the only people in Singapore talking about Fina guitar)
2 - "Zion acoustic guitar"
2 and 3 - "electric guitar course"(is God telling me to start an electric guitar course?)
3 - "Electric guitar"
4- "church guitar"
6 and 7 - "guitar course"
8 and 9-"christian guitar music"
9 and 13 - "Acoustic guitar course"
10-"classical guitar"
14 and 16-"acoustic guitar"
12 and 19 - "classical guitar course"
18-"buying electric guitar"
20-"learn guitar"

How about in It seem like g4c is a bit lower.

1-"Zion acoustic guitar", "christian guitar forum"
1 and 2-"church guitar"
2 - "guitar forum", "fina guitar", "christian guitar music"
3-"christian guitar"
4-"acoustic guitar"
5- "Acoustic guitar course"
6-"christian forum"

Side track- Can you believe it that when I search for "Hinghwa methodist church"(my previous church), that my home page actually come up third? Haha....